"Please note that the reviews listed below are authentic feedback from customers who have used Lanomax®. We have not altered any spelling."
By Lanomax Customer Service Center

“Hey there, I already wrote a review, which is featured on your website. I’ve attached a copy of it. It’s really amazing, that even since January when I wrote the review, his cataract in the left eye is almost completely gone and the right eye is substantially improved as well. The vets at the teaching hospital are amazed! We tell everyone we know about Lanomax and how it restored our little guy’s sight! Thank you!
By Kathy Bobar on Jul 3, 2023
“My dog who is 8 years old developed diabetes ahoy 3 years ago. He quickly started developing cataracts. Unfortunately it kept getting worse. The doctor recommended Maxidex. However is didn’t slow things down. I started searching because here on Cyprus we have no doctor who operates and removes cataracts. I found out about Lanomax from my son who graduated from UC San Diego. I showed the Vet and he called to find out about it. We decided to try it out. We have used it no going on two years. Every three month the Vet checks his eyes. It is not a miracle cure but the progression has stopped and his eyes have remained stable every since. He has about 80% of his vision and enjoys an active life. He has good vision at a distance and less up close but he is able to walk in the forest and navigate the trails. We hope this will continue for many more years. I wish we knew about it sooner.”
By Fred Sayle on Jul 3, 2023
“I have been using Lanomax for one month. I am using it to improve night vision and light sensitivity. After only 2 weeks I started to see an improvement in both. After one month I can drive at night. I am still sensitive to bright light but expect that to improve as well. I have no problem using the drops. They do not sting or cause irritation if any kind. I am hopeful that I can avoid cataract surgery after a few months of daily use.”
By Lisa Grossman on Jul 1, 2023

“Our package arrived today. Thank you for the excellent customer service. I have attached a picture of our dog, Joey, who was completely blind due to diabetic cataracts. Thanks to Lanomax, his cataracts are dissolving and he can see again. When the vets say there’s no other option but surgery and he isn’t a candidate for surgery because of a heart condition, we proved them wrong. To say that we are grateful for randomly finding Lanomax online, is an understatement!
By Kathy Bobar on Jan 13, 2023
“I’m writing to tell you your lanomax eye drops helped my dogs vision immensely. He was almost completely blind when I first started using them last August. I did order and use 3 bottles, finishing them in November or December of last year. I ordered again today because he is showing vision problems again a year later. (running into things). I’m hoping the drops will help him again. My question today is if you know of any ear drops that may be available for deaf dogs. Just getting his vision back somewhat is wonderful, but if I could find something for his hearing that would be so great. He is a Labradoodle 9 1/2 years old. Thank you for your eye drops and your time. Judy Donahue 989-450-0290.”
By Judith Donahue on Oct 31, 2022
“I have an 11 yr. old Siberian Husky named Saphire, and after I took her to my vet for a physical. I was informed that she had a cataract in one eye and the beginning of another in her other eye. She was put on eye drops to slow the progression because that was her only option because she is too old to qualify for surgery. I don’t give up easily, especially on my best friend so I spent many hours and days researching this problem and God showed me your product. I couldn’t believe there was such a product but after checking, I found that your product is highly recommended by many so I asked my vet and she never heard of it but after seeing what it was she told me it was a low risk treatment but I shouldn’t get my hopes up. I followed my heart and trusted in God and purchased one bottle and then another for the 6 week treatment. After 6 weeks I was amazed and thought I was seeing what I wanted to see, so I took Saphire to the vet and had her examined and my vet was also totally amazed and she is totally convinced that your product is a success, plus she told me she will be promoting your product to all her clients as well as other vets. She said that before, the light she shined in the eyes couldn’t penetrate through the lens but now, much light gets through. There is still a small portion of the cataract still there but the majority of it is gone and there is no problem with the other eye. I will be purchasing another bottle real soon to continue treatment and rid Saphire of the remaining cataract. Through your product, God has blessed Saphire with continued sight. Thank-You very much!!!!”
By Dave Wall on Jul 23, 2022
“I have a male Western Siberian Laika, Tuman that I took in at 3 yrs age in 2020. Unfortunately he developed acute liver failure with an underlying pancreatitis which left Tuman Diabetic, complex illness and course of treatment. Tuman developed very quickly cataracts. There was no time to waste, did the research, surgery and lens implants not available in Alaska, the option is Lanomax. Tuman has been receiving Lanomax since approximately 4/2021, the last internal med Vet exam the cataracts have thinned. There has been difficulty with controlling the diabetes which is a viscous cycle with treating the cataracts. What I have found works best is administering when possible every 3-4 hours, holding the lid closed as long as possible to prevent the drops from rolling out of the eye, I am also focusing on administering when Tuman is sleeping so that the drops have a better dwell time in the eye with lid closed. Lanomax is a long term treatment for Tuman. Thank you for giving us this option as a treatment.”
By Brenda Northrup on Jun 12, 2022
“I am a Christian and a female, [aged 72]. I have been wearing hard contact lenses since my twenties. Without corrective lenses, I would be classified as legally blind by doctors. Just prior to the Covid-19 global pandemic, I was diagnosed with advanced cataracts. Unfortunately, I could not get scheduled for surgery before the closures. It is now 2022 and my quality of life, because of my eyes, had effected my family, my job and my personal well-being. I am a Health Care Worker and I drive a lot. This had put my driving at-risk.
I could no longer see with my hard contacts and therefore my Optometrist placed me in soft contact lenses for the last six months. I am now wearing regular eye glasses to prepare for the cataract surgery. My exam is scheduled next month. I am not sure when the surgery is scheduled after that.
As I have not wished to have surgery, I have searched the web for any alternatives. I came across some research by some Israelis scientists where they discovered how to dissolve cataracts in animals. I was so excited. Unfortunately, at that time, it was not evaluated in humans.. And of course, it was illegal to use the pet medication in humans.
Recently, I did another web search and found your product which could be used in pets and humans. Well, I ordered your product, it arrived on Monday, March 21, 2022. I set up a schedule to use it three times within 24 hours and deposited two drops in each eye. I noticed a considerable improvement in my eyes on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. The prior week, I missed a left turn curve at an intersection and drove up on the berm. On The 22nd, I approached the same intersection to make the same turn and I could see the berm with clarity…just a week later. My night vision has improved, as well. Yes, the green and red lights are still a little blurry in the distance. However, my day vision is so much better. I suspect, that with the grace of God, and I stay on this same routine with your product… I WILL NOT NEED CATARACT SURGERY!
I have already recommended your product to my siblings. I will give you an update after my exam with my Primary Care Physician. I am very excited! Thank you so much for helping to increase my quality of life. This time I will order the product from your website.”
By Edith Lascola Mar 27, 2022
“Just want you to know that Lanomax is helping. He is not “healed” of his juvenile cataracts – but he went from bumping into things to perhaps seeing shadows? He can see something out of his cataract eye that is not hyper mature. THANK YOU! Hoping it lasts when we are done with the second bottle and he doesn’t need to stay on them.”
By Jane Ali on May 18, 2022
“Churro continues to show slow progress on his early onset cataract, but it is a very stubborn one. We want to increase the number of drops and frequency of the eye drop application (from twice a day to three times a day) in the hopes that he will eventually be cataract-free. After using the drops in his other eye also, which was just starting to show signs, and seeing that a cataract did not develop, we are optimistic that this stubborn cataract will eventually disappear.”
By Valerie Vavrik on Apr 29, 2022
“Dear Benjamin, The product is used on my dog who has severe cataract on his left eye. We have applied Lanomax on both eyes. While there is no visible improvement in his left eye, it hasn’t gotten worse. We think Lanomax is also helping the right eye from developing cataract. Howard Chan”
By Howard Chan on March 3, 2022
“Hello Benjamin, Thank you for your inquiry. Lanomax works well and my dog’s vision has improved. During the day I noticed that the vision was satisfactory. But in the darkness, he hardly sees enough. In general, I can say that it is much better than before using Lanomax drops. Best regards, Bronisław Lenartowicz.”
By Bronisław Lenartowicz on February 25, 2022
“Hello, I am glad tô inform you that my mother went tô check her eyes and the doctor said there is no catarat anymore. She used 1 bottle of your eyedrop and also she is taking some vitamns as lutein. Thank you só much, I wull always indicate your product. Clau”
By Patricia Lop on February 20, 2022
“Thanks Sandra and Benjamin for your email, I have used Lanomax on my 16 year old dog who has some difficulty in seeing. She has: a/ some white patches over both her eyes. They are located on the eye surface which partially block light’s pathway to her irises. b/ there are some cataract both eyes, moderate, not severe. I took her to the Vet who said I should leave it alone, as cataract surgery on dogs are not that popular. Therefore I feel it is worth trying Lanomax, since I read something good about it on the web. For several months before your eyedrop, my dog has difficulty descending three flights of stairs at the entrance to our home. I can’t tell if it was a coincidence or not. After a few days trying your drops, she was able to descent the stairs without help. This was a few weeks ago. Now she is on the second bottle, and she seem to keep up her ability to descend the flight of stairs. She walks around the block okay daytime, but may still bump into objects night time. I look at her eyes, and I can’t see obvious difference to her eyes. But since she seem to be doing okay, and able to descend the stairs without help. I will let her finish the second bottle. I hope that gives you some idea about her response to Lanomax, and that is the extent I can objectively tell. Thanks and best regards.”
By Kingston Tseng on February 10, 2022
“I have used Lanomax for 4 mos on my silky terrier. There is definitely an improvement in his sight. He can go up and down steps again. I also see the cataracts getting thinner. I’m hoping with continued use I will see even more improvement.”
By Janet Benscoter on February 10, 2022
“Hi Benjamin, I also got another good news. The elephant’s 2nd eye, which had been totally blind, has started to show signs of healing and the elephant can see a bit through that eye also. The hope is that both eyes will become totally fine within the next few weeks. Awesome progress! Thanks, Sree”
By Sreedharan Surendran on January 31, 2022
“Hi Benjamin, Here are a couple of videos of the elephant. These videos are part of the news that came out on TV. You can also see the medicine being poured into the elephant’s eye. The elephant is about 40 years old. Thanks, Sreedharan”
By Sreedharan Surendran on January 16, 2022
“I bought 4 bottles of 10ML Lanomax in Sep 2021 and donated it to a temple in India. The medicine was for an elephant there, in Kerala, India. This elephant was blind in one eye, and over 90% blind in the second eye, and so practically unable to see.
The doctor put about 5 drops of the medicine daily into the eye that was 90% blind. In about a week, it could be seen that the elephant could see a bit. The daily application of the medicine was continued for 50 days, and its eyesight kept on improving each day. Now the elephant is able to see everything clearly and do all its activities vigorously. The totally blind eye is still blind, but the other eye is now normal.
There are several other elephants in Kerala, India with the same blindness problem. No other medicine that had been tried previously helped. Lanomax worked where other medicines did not help. The veterinary doctor asked me if I could get more medicine, and I bought 2 more bottles in December 2021 and sent it across. The doctor now wants more bottles. But the medicine is too expensive for me to buy so many, otherwise I would definitely buy much more.
I have some videos of the elephant being treated and it’s current situation. Of course, the language in the videos is in the local language there, which is Malayalam. If you want I can send some of those to you. Thanks, Sree”
By Sreedharan Surendran on January 12, 2022
“Hi Benjamin. Thank you for reaching out to check on our progress, and thank you so much for the discount. We really appreciate it. Sorry for the delayed response. We are currently out of town visiting family in another state. I had to search through my photos to find some to send you.
We have been faithfully using Lanomax on three of our miniature poodles. Two are 16 years old (Mocha and Biscotti) and have age related cataracts, and one is 6 years old (Churro) and has premature cataracts, one very bad covering his left eye and making that eye totally blind.
The two older poodles seem to be having a little better vision. They are not bumping into things as much, but one is still flinching a lot in the light. Their hearing is impaired also, so that may factor in. We are hoping they will continue to improve.
The younger poodle (Churro) does not seem to have vision improvement yet, but the cataract doesn’t seem to be as thick and the edges may be starting to break up a little. I can see his eye a little better now where before all you could see was white where the cataract is. I am attaching some photos of all three poodles. We will continue to give them Lanomax and would be delighted to post a positive review when we have more progress. I would like to be able to post more progress than we have right now. I believe we are on our last two bottles. We may need to order a few more; we’ll see when we are down to our last bottle.
The first photos of tech poodle were taken Oct 16 when we started with Lanomax. The second photo was taken today, Dec 4. I attached a second photo of Churro taken Oct 20 since the one on the 16th wasn’t a very good photo. If you have any feedback after looking at my photos, please share with me. Thank you. Valerie Vavrik”
By Valerie Vavrik on December 4, 2021
“My fur baby is 15 years old and started having cataracts. She lost vision completely in one eye, and I could see where her other eye was getting cloudly. I was so happy to discover Lanomax and have been using it for the past year. Her vision has gotten so much better, and I continue to use it daily. Her energy has also been better because she can see better. I have also recommended it to several of my friends for their dogs. 100% recommend it.. your dog will also be happier. Hope this works:) Best Kerry”
By Kerry Ann Clarke on November 22, 2021
“Hello, As I promised, here is my update regarding Kiwi’s treatment (she is a hen). I am sooo happy with it because I can see some progress. The right eye does not yet show a decrease in opacity, but the pupil reacts to light. Which is already an evolution !! The left eye shows a great evolution. The opacity has reduced and Kiwi sees a little. It is still small results but this is only the beginning of the treatment. I want to continue and I have high hopes !! I’ll send you pictures of the evolution of the eyes later. I would love to order again but I have a question … Is it possible to pay by paypal or directly in euros? My bank complains and taxes me, every time I pay in dollars. If that is not possible, of course that will not prevent me from ordering again !! I am waiting for your reply before buying another bottle. Have a good day!!! Ps : thanks you so much for the discreet sending. I only paid 20 dollars of custom tax thanks to you!!!”
By Céline Desmoulains on November 21, 2021
“Hello, Yes, there are significant improvements in cloudiness and vision. I notice that when I pause use, my shih tzu’s vision worsens, but immediately improves with application. It has given us hope. Thank you for your wonderful product. Kindest, Alyssa”
By Alyssa Rose on November 19, 2021
“Hi Benjamin, Thank you for the email. Yes, I AM sending improvement, I’m on the second bottle of drops and will order more soon. I am concerned about getting your product here in Mexico where I live. I got your product before by having friends bring it down but at the moment don’t have anyone planning to come down soon. So that’s my only concern. I’ll be in touch to order more product. Thanks again. Regards, Thomas Ravey”
By Thomas Ravey on November 9, 2021
“To all who have cataract animals!! This product truly works. My little poodle of 15 years would be blind by now. I know this because two years ago, before I discovered Lanomax, I had to put my other little poodle down who had become blinded by her cataracts. Either could have a cataract operation because of other ailments. My last poodle had a heart murmur, and this one has kidney issues. The surgery requires 5 hours of anesthesia, and neither poodle would be able to sustain that time frame. Lanomax is amazing! You can almost see the cataracts melt off her eyes!, No swollen, painful cataract that blinds her. They’re almost gone completely, and I now just use a couple drops a day as preventative. It’s a horrible thing to see your dog go blind, and a lot of reason we tend to terminate their lives! That is no longer necessary! I strongly recommend this product. It works!!”
By Kathie Sherrod on October 11, 2021
“Hi, I have my dog on Lanomax and went to the vet the other day and my dogs cataracts have fully disappeared in one eye and 3/4 clear in the other. My vet is totally shocked as we had him evaluated at specialized ophthalmology clinic last year and they said he was 90% blind and only option was 8,000 surgery that is only 85% success as he is only 2 years old and said it could return. I am so happy with this!!! I have a few questions – did you change the eye drop ingredient? We were taking pictures of his eyes and didn’t notice huge change until recently. Will he need to be on these drops his whole life? Will his cataracts return? Thanks in advance! Monica Falconar”
By Monica Falconar on September 27, 2021
“I am a 65 year old female and began to get blurring and grittiness in my right eye. I am a reader and it made everything so difficult to see. The eye doctor confirmed I had an early cataract forming but not to have surgery yet. I looked online and decided to take a chance on your great product. I used 1.5 bottles and after the first bottle my blurriness and grit were completely gone. Thank you so so much! Best product results I have seen in a long time. Very grateful!! Margaret”
By Margaret Montag on September 22, 2021
“I have a rescue dog that is 12.5 years old. Only in the past few months, her eyes started getting cloudy. Before you knew it, she had cataracts. I knew it was affecting her vision because she had to sniff her way around and she was running into things like the glass door. Overall, her demeanor was low energy. Of course, this concerned me.
So i looked into what could be done for her. So I went to Amazon and searched for vision products for dogs. i saw all kinds of vitamins and eye drops. One of the eye drops said it was for cataracts for dogs. There were several brands, but none had outstanding reviews. They had an average of 3.5-3.7 which isn’t very impressive to me. I did find one drop that had good reviews. But it didn’t seem to have the ingredient to dissolve cataracts. But since it had decent reviews of about 4.3 of 5, I bought it. It was Can-C. I bought 2 vials and gave my dog drops 3 x’s/day as instructed. I gave it to her for 2 months without any improvement. I was really discouraged.
Then I looked into cataract surgery, but looking at online information, it would cost thousands of dollars. Then I considered taking her to Mexico to get the surgery. That would probably cost hundreds instead of thousands, but travel/lodging would be another cost. Then I looked into getting pet insurance, but none would take a pet with a pre-existing illness. So I was back at square 1.
One of my good friends who is a physician encouraged me to just be loving to my dog. To give her hugs. But I wanted more. I wanted her quality of life to be better. So I did more online research. I read about Lanomax and went to the manufacturer’s website. Their product was $99 – not cheap, but I read that they had a money back guarantee. To me, that says a lot. And for that, you really have nothing to lose. So I bought the 10ml for $99 and began to become excited. I waited patiently for the product to arrive. When it came, I used it immediately. I gave my dog drops everyday 3x’s/day as instructed. Within a few days, it looked like my dogs’ eyes were better. I asked my son for his opinion and he agreed that her eyes were looking less cloudy. The progress was steady and by 4 weeks, the cloudiness is greatly improved. I think the cataracts have diminished to about 20% of what they were.
I’m at 4.5 weeks and it’s so greatly improved the cataracts. I not only see the improvement in my dogs’ eyes, but I can see her energy levels improving. She is playful again. She is looking around more too. I am writing a review because I want to encourage everyone with an older pet with diminishing eyesight due to cataracts to give Lanomax a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 🙂 Thanks.”
By Wanda Zee-cheng on September 21, 2021
“Happy to contribute: I imported an amazing pup in 2019. A few months later, I had a OFA eye examination and found out my pup had cataracts. The doctor said he would be surprised if she would be able to maintain her vision. My wife found Lanomax, we researched the product and decided to buy a few bottles. The pup is a bird dog and she struggled to track the birds as they took to wing. Even without dilation or instruments, there was visible cloudiness in her pupils. After two bottles of Lanomax, she had no difficulty tracking birds and there is no visible cloudiness in her eyes. Before we were even finished with the first bottle of Lanomax, I had her evaluated for surgery and the surgery was scheduled for after the bird season ended. 4-5 months later with no lapses in Lanomax, I had a second opinion from a different K-9 Opthalmologist. The tracking and cloudiness issues were a memory by this time. The doctor said he wouldn’t consider doing surgery. She still has some cataracts, but they aren’t causing any vision issues. I had a 6 month follow up at the same clinic, but with another doctor, and he reaffirmed she wasn’t a surgical candidate. There is no question in my mind the Lanomax was responsible for the improvement in my dog’s eyes. I will continue to use Lanomax for the remainder of my dog’s life. Dr Brad Boisen”
By Brad Boisen on September 8, 2021
“Dear Benjamin, I am 1.5 bottles into the treatment and there are signs of improvements. I feel too early to see noticeable improvements but Lola seems to be able to see hand movements slightly better. The product arrived in Germany end of July, I hope this time it doesn’t take as long. I will shortly be placing another order and might contact you if I have issues with the selection of discreet shipment option. BR,”
By Gerald Krohn on September 6, 2021
“Dear Benjamin! Thank you for your azemail and attention. Since using Lanomax, we have found in our English Cocker Spaniel dog that he is well informed and as if his vision has improved. It can be said that it has not deteriorated in any way! We haven’t been to a medical checkup since use, so I can’t report whether an improvement can be detected by testing. We are planning a follow-up study at the end of the summer and I will of course inform you of the result. My question would be, are we using this Lanomax droplet well without keeping the broken droplet in the refrigerator? The other question is that it can be used for more than 30 days after resolution? Finally, thank you for your help and cooperation. Apparently, the use of the drop helps to improve the puppy’s vision. Regards: Laszlo Szabo”
By László Szabó on June 23, 2021
“Hi Benjamin,
Benjamin many kind thanks for your email, since using Lanomax I have noticed a slight improvement in Lucky my little Yorkshire Terrier, but her sight is still not good as she still has cataracts, which I suppose is somewhat expected due to her having diabetes and having 2 daily injections of caninsulin, but overall I am pleased with your product and your customer care especially your after sales service and yes it is my greatest of pleasure to definitely write a true and honest review which is stated below:
I have been using Lanomax for over six months, and I can honestly state that it has proved to be beneficial to assisting in restoring the sight of my Little Yorkshire Terrier – Lucky, who developed cataracts shortly after being diagnosed with diabetes which resulted in her being completely blind.
Due to my love for my pet Lucky, I did firstly opt for a £6,000.00 cataract removal and replacement with a synthetic lens, but the veterinarian informed me that due to my dogs’ diabetes there was a 25% chance that she would not awake from the anaesthetic as it was a very risky procedure, also other complications could arise from the surgery which could result in her eyes needing to be surgically removed.
Having absorbed the above information from the veterinary surgeon, I found myself searching the internet for alternative medicine’s and or procedures, it was at this point that I came across Lanomax, which I did not hesitate in testing and I am so glad that I did, as stated above my dog still has cataracts but they are now 75% smaller since using Lanomax and I am please to say that partial sight of my dog has been restored, I have been using Lanomax for the past six months and will continue to use Lanomax, and I can honestly state that Lanomax does exactly what it claims to do, not only is this a fantastic product but the whole Lanomax Team are truly and genuinely caring and go beyond their call of duty to assist, a true great product with fantastic customer support care and a genuinely caring sales team whom I feel have become family to me personally, I highly recommend Lanomax to all pet lovers whom find themselves in the unfortunate position that I was in, and I loudly applaud Lanomax and all of their wonderful staff, please note that this review is given as a true and genuine review by a genuine customer, should anyone wish for me to confirm the above in person I give my permission for my contact mobile number and or email to be given to any doubters upon request as I will gladly confirm that all of the above is a true and honest statement and review.
Well done Lanomax and all staff at Lanomax keep up the great work please use and post my review on your web site and or your sales brochures, sales documentation.
Many kind thanks Team Lanomax and please do not hesitate in contacting me, should you require any further information as I shall always be available to assist you at all times.”
By Audie Marston on June 16, 2021
“Hi Benjamin, sorry but after vax I had hard days. I really wanted to write a review. Please find it below. I think you have to publish it, isn’t it? Please do no write my surname, as I would like going on buing Lanomax via discreet shipping …..(after Brexit, I have to find a new mail delivery service, may be in Ireland…) Thanks for all once again Paola,
Lanomax eye drop is a wonderful product: I can witness his genuine therapeutic effect on cataracts of my African Grey parrot. Lanomax did not irritated the eyes at all and day after day the gray veil faded. Although the cataract has not completely disappeared, after a month of use already it was evident that my parrot could see much better and after two month and a half my parrot can see even small things. Value for money is really excellent and the sight of our pets is worth the best product. I will certainly continue to use Lanomax by alternating cycles of therapy. Special thanks go to Benjamin Moore of Customer Care Team, whose precious advice and constant assistance allowed me to save my little pet-fried sight. Paola L.”
By Paola L. on June 14, 2021
“Hi Benjamin, sorry for not answearing yestarday but was my vax day and today I don’t feal very good… Be sure I’ll write a very good rewiew. I had already scheduled. I had very good results. So good that I am thinking how to get a further supply as after Brexit the service of UK mailbox is not working.. Have a great day! Paola”
By Paola Longoni on May 28, 2021
“Hallo Moore, Glad to have your news, which means you are well! First of all, I would like to thank you for all the treatment of your company regarding the discreet shipment of my products (and the receipt of payment at a lower price), which helped me to be charged at the customs of my country with a smaller amount (respect of course but not prohibitive for someone who has already spent money to buy this miraculous eye drops). The improvement in the waterfall of my precious and beloved friend (I am referring to my dog of course) is evident from the first 20-25 days. You see every day that the white spot is decreasing. You see your dog day by day gaining confidence again, as he begins to see clearly. Especially when it is an old dog that has slowly lost its hearing and may have other health problems, this is the least one can do as a reward for love, faith and devotion and has received all these years … I treated him for 3 months putting 3 times a day (every 8 hours approximately) from 1 drop in the morning and 1 drop at noon and 2 drops in the evening in each eye of course. I needed 3 vials of lanomax. Another thing I should mention is that my dog has chronic kidney failure which means that I monitor it with blood tests every 20-30 days and no side effects from the eye drops were observed. CONCLUSION: It is worth every drop of this medicine for your dear friend .. It is the least you can do for him now that he has grown up and he needs you … REQUEST to the pharmaceutical company: it would be good if you could reduce the price so that its purchase is more affordable by people of lower financial capacity. All animals are entitled to it … The health of our friends should not be a luxury and a privilege of the well-to-do … The profit of the company will increase from the greatest demand. You will see…. THANK YOU AGAIN… Chrysoula P.”
By Chrysoula Panagopoulou – Tsibanoulis & Partners on May 28, 2021
“Hello Benjamin, I’m glad to tell you that yes, I can affirm that an improvement in my dog’s eyes is visible. I was waiting for the cataract dissolving completely, but perhaps it was asking too much. Now I hope there won’t be any worsening. If so I’ll come to you again. Thanks for your attention.”
By Luisa Lehmann on May 28, 2021
“A few months before I treated my 15-year-old pomeranian with Lanomax eye drop, the vet said she was getting blinded and a cataract surgery was the only way to help gain back her eyesight. My dog was old and also had mitral valve disease, so I thought eye surgery might be too risky for her. Luckily I searched the internet and found Lanomax. In less than a week, I noticed that my dog gained more confident walking in the garden. No more on and off stopping and hesitating which way to go. Later, she was able to see which one of her bowls was filled with water and which one was empty. Her both eyes are a lot clearer. Earlier I couldn’t see the retina in her right eye, but now I can. I even recommended Lanomax to two of the vets I know. One has tried the product with his patient and the result has been great so far. Thank you for launching such a wonderful product. Thank you for giving a happy life back to my beloved dog.”
By Warasak Chanpum on May 12, 2021
“Benjamin, I used your product for about 6 weeks a saw visible improvement in my dog’s vision. Thanks for creating an awesome product.”
By Rene Mendez on May 12, 2021
“I am an owner of a 9 year old female golden retriever which developed cataracts in both eyes for causes not exactly known about a year and a half ago. At first, we visited the vet and tried methods of treatment such as vitamin A supplements, but none of them worked. While researching about the treatment options available, I found lanomax as an option. As the company had good reviews, I thought about giving it a try. Their 3 bottle, 100% refund program seemed like a good deal considering the drops are pretty expensive. I went along with the program, but unfortunately, did not see any results despite using three bottles. Although, it didn’t work, I have to say that the customer service is truly professional and they are indeed very kind. They promptly reply to emails very soon. They were also very honest about the refund and have initiated my refund as I didn’t get any results. They also sent me an extra bottle of lanomax by mistake and were kind enough to let me keep it although I wanted to send it back to them if they could bear the shipping cost. I know that any medication for that matter would not be effective in 100% of cases and don’t blame them for the drops being ineffective for my dog. On the whole, whether the drops work or not, I feel that this company is genuine and their 3 bottle program is definitely worth trying. I wish lanomax all the very best for their future clients and hope their drops help many other pets and cure their cataracts. I would like to apologise incase my english isn’t that great. Thank you!”
By Amogh R Kaushik on May 11, 2021
“I’m delighted that you’ve reached out to me about my precious little dogs progress. I think I’ve been at the for 4 or 5 months and the only change I’ve seen is the cataracts seem to be a lighter color. I’m willing to go as long as it takes to save her eyesight or at least reduce some of the damage. Thanks again for checking on her.”
By Keith Wall on May 4, 2021
“I am happy to comment on my experience so far although it is limited. Perhaps not one of your better results but my age may be a relevant factor. If as a result of your increasing human usage you have more knowledge or information to share (without incurring legal problems, of course) it would be helpful if it could be separated from the animal reports for us to read more easily for our encouragement, and perhaps instruction. I had developed a cataract in one eye that was quite bad and I was reluctant to have a surgical replacement if I could avoid it. My other eye was still satisfactory but I was concerned to prevent it also developing a cataract. Being in my early eighties I have the added problem of presbyopia. Previous customer reports encouraged me to try Lanomax. My immediate aim was to prevent further cataract development, in both eyes, and any improvement would be a bonus. To date there has been only a very small improvement in the cataract which is nevertheless welcome because at least further deterioration has been arrested. I suspect the improvement has been limited by the presbyopia. I believe Lanomax is reversing the deterioration and I am encouraged to continue using it.”
By Terry Sims on April 28, 2021
“As far as I personally bought two Lanomax eyedrops, my name is Eugenio Manassero, and I have been satisfied about it, I have suggested to a friend, Eleonora Buiatti, to proceed with this product looking for her dog cataract improvement.”
By Eugenio Manassero on April 28, 2021
“Hi Benjamin, I greatly appreciate your email and love your product as it has helped me TREMENDOUSLY! That said, if you look at the USPS tracking, it does say that the package is due to arrive tonite by 9PM, but this is impossible since it shows that it’s at the Los Angeles distribution center and I am in Miami, FL. Thanks again! Welby”
By Welby Pena on March 19, 2021
“Hello Benjamin, First of all my mother and myself would like to appreciate you and offer our gratitude for the discounted code and your email. It was very late when last night I placed the order. All I wanted is to make sure I could process the order to avoid any delays in arrival so that she does not have to interrupt her treatment. Here is my mom’s testimonial. I am 78 years young lady living in Spain, who had developed early cataracts due to chronic myeloid leukaemia. I cannot have a surgery done due to the high risk for bleeding. In the past 2 years my eyes were full of tears and I couldn’t be without clearing my eyes with a paper tissue every 2-3 minutes. I couldn’t bear the light, sunlight, and had to give up reading and writing. Since the Pandemic things got even worse until I ended with my eyes shut, couldn’t watch tv and my daughter would be driving me in the wheelchair and helping me with everything as I could not open my eyes. It was really depressing for both of us as I spent the days in the darkness and mostly lying on bed. Lanomax has been a blessing and I am really hoping that I will get even better. Since the first day of use, my eyes remain open, no tears, I can bear the light and day light outside. I am not yet putting any pressure on my eyes so I am not reading, writing or watching tv. I have just bought 6 bottles because I have found a solution for my eyes and look forward to getting better. Thank you so much Benjamin and to your team for your kindness and for such great customer service. I truly hope you can help a lot of people and that the FDA approves Lanomax for human usage so that others like me can also benefit from it. Thank you from my heart! Indu – Spain Kindest regards”
By Kanta Motwani on March 18, 2021
“My miniature pinscher at age 11 began developing cataracts. It started in one eye, and then the other eye began appearing cloudy. As soon as Lanomax was available when she was 12, we tried it. (Before, we tried Can-C drops.) After one week using the drops, my dog responded to light more and had more energy. The drops work for cataracts that are closer to the cornea. Judging by how quickly the first eye became clouded, Lanomax certainly prevented the second eye from blinding, at least for a while. We may have started too late. The best part of Lanomax is the customer service. When I had questions, someone responded within a day and took the time to explain. Sadly, we started the drops too late, and my dog’s cataracts developed too thick for the serum to reach behind the lens. It’s important to use it early when the clouding first appears. It might seem like a pain to give drops every day. Well, my dog has had surgery since, and we still have to give her drops every day. And then there are complications from post-surgery drops. Now she has calcium deposits on the cornea from using Flurbiprofen daily, which means more drops more times a day. Vet ophthalmology has not caught up to human eye care. Be religious with Lanomax and save your dog from sad blind days.”
By Kiai Kim on March 9, 2021
“I felt significant results from the very first drops. I am a borderline 7 diopter lens prescription glasses wearer. In the Army, Combat Engineer Training exposed me to about 1,000 High Energy Improvised Explosive Devices (about 1/4 stick TNT, dynamite, or nitro glycerin) at 180 dB and 400,000 163 dB M-16 A-1’s both without ear-plugs or vision goggle protection. This resulted in 90 dB tinnitus 24/7 for 39 years and counting, and double vision (with neurological complications.) My vision is my life and freedom. I do about $2,000 in eye supplements every month and now with Lanomax. My eyes are now getting brighter drop by drop without permanent cataract surgery. Thanks Lanomax!”
By Philip’s Bailey on December 1, 2020
“We started our dog on Lanomax and after 2-3 weeks we noticed that she was beginning to react to sunlight by blinking more frequently. As she was also deaf, we noticed that when lying on her blanket in sight of the front door, she would lift her head to look in our direction when coming inside which lead me to believe she was beginning to see something. Unfortunately shortly after that she passed away and we were never able to find out the full effect that Lanomax would have had on her.”
By Tom Shafer on November 7, 2020
“Works fantastic for my dog. Eyes have cleared up amazingly well. Great product for cataracts! Five stars out of five!”
By Dr. Scott Treadway on October 1, 2020
“Dear Benjamin, I wanted you to know, that due to your efforts, I received the package today. You guys are an awesome company! Thank you for your EXCELLENT Customer Service. Please give accept my my best for you and your customer service staff. Also, I have been using your product (from our previous order) for our dog with very good results and I am very happy to now have our second order arrival so I can continue the progress. Some companies just don’t care about customer service, but your company is just the opposite. I should complement you again for wonderful customer service which engenders loyalty and a sense of enhanced appreciation of your fine product. Thank you again and I will tell my friends about your great company and, of course, about Lanomax which is a great product!”
By Dr. Scott Treadway on September 30, 2020
“Lanomax is not the only cataract eye drop I have used on my dogs, which developed cataract about a year ago. Their condition is not very serious but still noticeable. I have tried a few brands which I found on Amazon but none works as good as Lanomax. I cannot say their condition has completely healed but has definitely improved. I would continue to use it and would recommend it to all my friends.”
By Angela Law on September 23, 2020
“My dog, shar pei named Milenija, was diagnosed with cataract in her 8th year of life. Veterinarian recommended Lanomax drops and i managed to get them almost a year later and it is important to understand that her contidition with eyes at the time was getting really bad. After just one package, and consistent use her eyes got significantly better, they were more clear and cataract progress was slowed down. It was very obvious that her sight was really better, she could see us. Due to corona-virus outbreak i could not get another dose of drops but effects of previous one were seen for couple of months after. Unfortunately we lost her recently due to fast growing cancer in her lungs and liver.
Hopefully my future dogs wont’t be needing Lanomax drops but if they do i will treat them with this product and i definetely recommend Lanomax drops to everyone with matching problems.”
By Ljiljana Djukic on August 26, 2020
“This is a review l posted for your wonderful eye drops. Thank you. Sadie is a bit over 8 years old and was losing her eye sight. She was bumping into doors and walls and even fell inside the pool the other day. We had to put a slip lead on her in the yard to keep her from hurting herself. We bought 4 bottles of Lanomax eye drops to help her. They are $100 USD plus shipping and tax per bottle. We have been giving 2-3 drops per eyes, 3-4 times a day. After finished using 2 bottles, she can now walk around, and even play with the other dogs, without bumping into things. Hopefully, she will be back to being her old self when the treatment is over.”
By Richard Chan on July 26, 2020
“Thanks for your message of concern for Mimi, my little Poodle who is blind and deaf. Yes, the Lanomax is slowly doing its job. She started on it June 8th. We are on her 7th week and 3rd 10ml bottle. Before Lanomax, she was soooooo depressed and I had to carry her around everywhere. Wherever I put her down, that’s where she stayed, head hanging. Never moved. It was horrible. Within 2-3 days of taking Lanomax, her head was up and she was looking around or trying to see. Now, she maneuvers around the house if lights are on, still bumps into a few things (especially white objects like refrigerator, stove, etc.) but she is mobile. And so much happier. The other day, I caught her flipping a mini Milkbone in the air and doing 360’s in the kitchen playing like she used to play. She cannot do stairs yet and we have a 2 story house. I intend to continue the Lanomax for as long as is necessary until she is able to go outside on her own (3 steps down) to go potty. I don’t want to have to take her outside several times a day in the cold Ohio winters. Lanomax is truly a miracle and an answer to my prayers for this poor little rescue dog who had literally given up on life. I referred a friend with a blind rescue dog and Cliff is beginning to see also. It’s only been a week for him since he started treatment. His mama is over the moon happy with his progress.”
By Cinda Godfrey on July 23, 2020
“Opel is a Maltese dog, 13 years old this year, is a healthy and lively dog. I found that Opel’s right eye may have cataract in about October 2019, so I went to the doctor in November to confirm the cataract. The doctor recommended to go to a professional animal eye hospital for treatment. In December, I took Opel to the animal eye hospital in Taipei for examination. This is In one of the most professional animal eye hospitals in Taiwan, the doctor said that Opel’s right eye cataract is mature, the right eye’s vision is no longer visible, and the left eye already has an early cataract. The doctor recommends the use of anti-inflammatory eye drops in the right eye to prevent optic nerve necrosis caused by high intraocular pressure in the future. The use of (Bright Eyes eye drops) in the left eye delays the cataract maturation. In March 2020, I found that Opel could n’t see it anymore. He was no longer yelp at the postman outdoors. He did n’t dare to jump out of bed at home or jump into bed. Opel’s personality became very melancholic. I found Lanosterol research on cataract treatment on the Internet. I think Lanosterol is the only hope for Opel to restore eyesight and find the Lanomax website, so I bought 4 bottles to try. It has been 21 days since Lanosterol was used. The right eye of Opel was treated first and just one bottle was used up. Opel’s cataract in his right eye did not seem to improve, but his vision improved slowly. Now he dares to jump into bed and occasionally yelp at the postman. I think Lanosterol is effective. Only 21 days have such an effect. I hope Opel’s cataract can be cured. Next he treated his left eye.”
By 陳鏗伊 on May 24, 2020
“Hi Benjamin, There is no issue with the eye drop. First when you apply the eye drop, the eye become little blurry, but later during the day the eye clear. I see better. I think the eye drop is working for me. When the FDA approve it for human use, the formula will not change. Many people are using it now, and it makes their eyes clear.”
By Tony Nader on February 22, 2020
“Hello, I hope you’re having a great day, I have been treating cataracts on my dog’s both eyes with Lanomax Eye Drops for 2 months. The doctor said that it is dissolving and getting more transparent, which is great! I bought 4 bottles last time, 2 for my dog and 2 for a friend’s dog.”
By Niusha Eslami on December 2, 2019
“I ordered your lanomax for my 4 yr. Old Chihuahua with mature cataracts. Through Dr. Vitamins. In Texas. They are working!!!!!! Do not let the government stop you all from making these drops. They Work. And the Veterinarians can’t make money using drops. But we was not putting our dog through that bad surgery. So keep this product coming. In January we will take our dog for an ophthalmologist check up. So she can see for her self. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
By Glenda Clem on November 17, 2019
“Thank you – we have have great results with our dog’s eyes!”
By Rosemarie Elliott on September 22, 2019
“Hello Steve, I guess you remember me … BIG GOOD NEWS: I have now finally tried the Lanomax eyedrops for myself and I can say: so far all OK and I feel like the eyedrops did work – at least a small step forward …”
By Jürgen Halt on September 9, 2019
“Steve, Thank you!. I will definitely keep you all updated. I am so happy this product has changed my life literally. I was very frightened over the double vision and the possibility of an operation to open the ducts. Even though it is a common in quotation marks, procedure I needed to see what else was available, Keep up the good work!”
By Denise Zajkowski on May 27, 2019
“Restasis was prescribed. Never used it. My vision has improved and my eye pressure is back to normal Message: I was told that I had dry eye. It had been going on for a while. I was seeing double out of one eye and my vision was definitely changing. Everything was slightly blurry at a distance. I went to my ophthalmologist ,( whom I trust completely). She tested my vision and it had changed. She was also concerned that my eye pressure was elevated. It needed to be monitored for glaucoma. She stated I definitely would need to have surgery in the future for cataracts. She prescribed Restasis for the dry eye and possible operation for the ducts if it did not work. I am legally blind in one eye and was very concerned about her report. I decided to research what else I would be able to use instead of the medication for dry eye and the other conditions she mentioned. I did purchase the Restasis but to tell you the Truth I did not use it. Instead I opted to try the Lanomax product. I began using it April 22, 2019. 3 drops per eye two – three times a day. I noticed it stung a little. However, grit in my eye began to subside. I felt relief within the first few days. Withing 8 to 10 days the blurry vision and double vision I experienced at times also disappeared. On May 20,2019 I went for a follow up. My eye pressure is within normal range, My vision improved. She was surprised. The cataract is still there but it has only been a month. I will see her again in September. I will let you know what she says. If it has stayed the same I can live with that. Also the driving at night has improved. I still see a starburst around the headlights but it has diminished so much it does not cause me issues.. Side note. My doctor asked me if I used the Restasis. I told her no. I shared with her the information on Lanomax. She is very open and stated she would look into it. She recognizes if our medicine works on animals why would this supplement work on humans. Great product. What a blessing. Denise.”
By Denise Zajkowski on May 23, 2019
“Hi Steve, This week we’re noticing continued shrinking of the cataract in Quinn’s right eye. Also, if you enlarge this photo, you can see what I described last week in terms of the changes in opaqueness in the right cataract versus the left. Onwards to week six! ~Annie”
By Annie DiVello on October 15, 2018
“Hi Steve! We’re noticing a small but definite reduction in the size of the cataract in Quincy’s right (treated) eye. We’re also noticing the outer most edges of the cataract in his right eye are beginning to look less opaque than the left cataract. Quincy is bumping into less things, suggesting better vision. He is also beginning to tolerate the drops with a little less fuss ~Annie”
By Annie DiVello on October 8, 2018
“Hello My name is Geertje de Mos. I live in Holland and I want to tell you about my dog Max: 18 Years ago I went to Tarifa, a little town in the south of Spain. I went there to surf at the sea. When I got there, I found a very cute, 4 weeks old, puppy. I stayed in Spain for a month, and after that month I took the little puppy home, and called Max. Max and I have been together ever since. So now, this puppy is an old dog, and I stil love him very much. But getting old, brings Some trubbles. Max has kidneyproblems and has medicins for that. He also has special food, because of his kidney problems. His hips are getting old, so he gets a little painkiller for that every Day. About 6 years ago, I noticed Max eyes were getting worse. The vet told me Max had cataract and nothing could be done about it because he was to old to be under generale anesthetic. Last year it got so bad; Max was practically blind. He got very insecure because of that, and he die not want to go out anymore. Luckily; I found Lanomax! After only onze bottle of Lanomax, Max view got already so much better! And now, after 4 bottles,he is going out in the forest with me again and he is not bumping his head at things anymore! Now I have a question for you, and I hope you will answer honestly: Do you think using more ( than the 4 he has already used) will make his sight better? Or is this the best he can have, because he is so old? And I wonder if you have Some sort of special discount for very old dogs that have already bought 4 bottles of your product? I hope to hear from you soon, Greetings from Geertje en Max.”
By Geertje de Mos on June 12, 2018
“Dear Lanomax, I would like to order Lanomax eye drops for my small dog. I have already ordered this product from the Amazon, but unfortunately it is no longer available. I would be interested when it becomes available on the site/or where can I buy this item. When we used that eye drops, my dog’s eyes was much better, so it would be important for my family and me to get this product. Thank you for your help, Alexandra Balázsi (from Hungary)”
By Alexandra Balázsi on June 5, 2018
“thank you! FYI, I’ve been using it on my 12 yr old Bichon (right eye only) for about 4 months. He had fast onset of cataracts fulling engulfing both eyes about six months ago. He was totally blind. After 4 months of treatment, it appears that he’s experiencing slight peripheral vision. He gets along without a leash in familiar areas. He was at the vet today who knows about this treatment. She noticed slight light sensitivity and says the cataract is crystallized as compared to the other side. We don’t know if the cataract formed this way, but if not, it may be slowly breaking apart. Hard to see a difference in photos. I’ll keep you posted.”
By Dale Weiss on May 16, 2018
“Hello, Great news!!! Thanks a lot for your attention and helpfulness! I’m loving the product, I already can see improvement in my dogs’s view. Best regards,”
By Bruna Manetta Mattos on May 2, 2018
“Hi Dear Ashley, Thank you very much!!! Pablo is getting better improving his vision each day. He is a 15-year-old Lhasa Apso suffering for chronic kidney disease and he was almost blind. How to thank you, all the Lanomax staff and the researches to achive an huge miracle like that? It is all awesome!!! You all have my heart and respect forever. Thank you all very much. Please, when it is possible, let me know the UPS order number. Have a beautiful and nice day. Kind regards,”
By Leila Pontes on April 18, 2018
“Greetings Ashley, OK thanks – I have enough for about 4 days – This item seems to be working as my pup has picked up – watching TV and sits and watches the street – he has not done this in a long time now – just thought he was getting old until Vet told me he had onset cataracts – Thanks so much for allowing this to the public – here in Canada, the vets do not believe that anything but surgery works Cheers,”
By Les Smith on April 12, 2018
“Merci beaucoup. Mon chat qui a la cataracte et qui a 18 ans. Grâce à Lanomax sa cataracte s’est stabilisée. Au bout de combien de temps sa vue peut s’améliorer et qu’il pourra mieux voir. Merci pour votre réponse.
[Google Translate: Thank you very much. My cat has cataracts and is 18 years old. Thanks to Lanomax her cataract has stabilized. After how long his vision can improve and he can see better. Thank you for your reply.]”
By Jacques Fremont on April 6, 2018
“Hello! Could you please set us as an authorized Lanomax wholesaler? We already had an account but could not log in anymore. We are a veterinary practice with a growing number of satisfied pet owners using lanomax. Thanks a lot! With Kind regards,”
By Nina Engelmann, Res. ACVIM-SAIM on March 13, 2018
“Thanks! My eye is slowly getting better.”
By Bart Blickenstaff on March 10, 2018
“I just bought three more bottles of Lanomax. As a result of using Lanomax for four weeks, it seems that there is a change in my eyes. Have a nice day!”
By Seungjin Lee on March 6, 2018
“Habe 4 x 5ml Lanomax für meine 12 Jahre alte Golden Retriever Hündin gekauft, die 50% grauen Star hatte. nach 2 Flaschen 3 x täglich 1 Tropfen hatte sie nur noch 10 %. Nach weiteren 2 Flaschen war der graue Star verschwunden. Ein wahres Wundermittel man müßte Lanomax in Europa (Österreich ) bewerben, da einige Tierärzte die ich ansprach das Medikament nicht kennen, schade es würde vielen Tieren helfen Liebe Grüße aus Österreich Traudlinde Müller
[Google Translate: I bought 4 x 5ml Lanomax for my 12 year old Golden Retriever female who had 50% cataract. after 2 bottles 3 times daily 1 drop she had only 10%. After another 2 bottles the cataract had disappeared. A true miracle cure one would have to advertise Lanomax in Europe (Austria), since some veterinarians whom I spoke to do not know the medicine, it would be a pity it would help many animals Greetings from Austria Traudlinde Müller]”
By Traudlinde Müller on February 19, 2018
“Good evening, I bought one Lanomax at the last 30th, and i didn’t receive the tracking number yet. I would like to know if the medicine was shipped, please. My case urgent! My dog has been treated for months with Lanomax, and he improved a lot! So i can’t stop the treatment and the boodle i have at home is coming to an end! Please, i’m anxiously waiting for a return. Best regards,”
By Maria Rossi on February 2, 2018
“I tried to reorder order number 010142372-122017 on line for Barbara Killar and the order failed. The message said to contact you. The vet said there seems to be some improvement. in our Bichon Freise but we ran out of the first bottle. Thanks for your help. Larry Notaro”
By Barbara Killar on January 25, 2018
“Hallo, I have been treating a cataract on my dog’s eye with Lanomax Eye Drops for more than 2 months. The doctor thinks that it is getting more transparent, which is good. The question is: how long can I continue the treatment?”
By Ecatherina Dimitrova on January 24, 2018
“Hi Angela, I am about to order my third bottle of Lanomax and am hoping you will consider extending me the discounted price that you gave me for the last bottle.. I see improvement in my dog’s eyes immature cataracts, but have a feeling this is going to be an ongoing long term therapy, that will only end when my 14 year old (though extremely healthy) brussels griffon dies. (I did make the mistake of purchasing Dr. Prescott’s on Amazon before reading your letter explaining how imitator’s product’s will not work…And you were right, their product was total waste of money. I believe I made comments to that effect when reviewing your product on Amazon. My dog is a certified therapy dog and I am “tuned in” to a number of committed therapy dog owners who consider me very knowledgeable about all things dogs… I spread the word about my success to my vet as well as my niece who is about to graduate from Vet School in Scotland this June. My explanation even includes explaining the sham therapy that competitor Dr. Prescott’s Lanosterol is. (For whatever it’s worth, Dr. Prescott’s uses a better, easier to administer, dropper bottle that significantly reduces waste…something that Lanomax should consider changing to.) In fact, just yesterday I told a refrigerator repairman who owns 3 dogs about the product…He took a pic of it sitting in the frig. The net effect is that your product is getting a lot of excellent free PR. Moreover, if you wanted to use me as a participant in focus group or survey questioning for product marketing improvements, I’d be happy to assist. All in all, I’m hoping that the above factors would make a case for giving me, someone who will be a long term user of your product, a continued discount on the pricing going forward. Thank you once again for your consideration of my request.”
By Jack Silberman on January 20, 2018
“I am going to arrange an eye appointment very soon now. the doctor who first diagnosed my cataracts retired over 2 years ago, and now captains a deep sea fishing boat. But I will call the office and see if they still have his records of my visit. The optometrist I saw last time did not give me as good an Rx as I had previously. I will get his records and tell him what Lanomax did for me. I have my Rx from him. The only problem with it was that the add for presbyopia was only .5 more than the 3 year old Rx I had before his. I will be seeing a new optometrist for this next Rx. For my purposes Optometrists have seemed sufficient. They have equipment to visualize inside of the eye. I have already told several optometrists about your product, and have received very smug replies that nothing can dissolve a cataract. They do seem really surprised when I tell them that I have returned to being able to drive even at night and in the rain, with no problems with glare. The world needs this product.”
By Christine W. Shoffner on January 18, 2018
“Hi there, My name is Lester Kwok, marketing manager of RA Healing Centre. Our company is the first and only canine physiotherapy centre here in Singapore and within our centre, we represent many different holistic brands of supplements. We have recently introduced CanC eye drops to our clients but the results was not satisfying. We bought a couple of Lanomax and used it on our own dogs and we were astonished with the results. Our centre and facebook has many people following what we recommend and we would LOVE to introduce Lanomax to Singapore pet owners. We were wondering if there is a dealership or wholesale program for Lanomax.”
By Lester Kwok on January 17, 2018
“I used Lanomax on both my own eyes. One cataract was diagnosed 5 years prior to my using your product, and the other diagnosed 3 and one half years prior to using your product. As you would know if your plowed through my long review, I had astonishing results, and stopped with one bottle since it seemed my cataracts might be completely gone. I still enjoy all the benefits, and no bad side effects, of trying Lanomax. I have decided to use another bottle though, just to make sure no cataract remains. Meanwhile, I have driven home at night and in unpleasant weather on several occasions, for which I thank you each time. What can I do to help you? I am all in favor of your success. I only wish I had had this product 6 years ago when a favorite hilarious goat went blind from cataracts. One unexpected side effect of Lanomax was a profound improvement in presbyopia, a condition I had years before I was diagnosed with cataract. Presbyopia started around the age of 46. Please let me know if it is any benefit to you to get records of my cataract diagnosis. My testimony about using your product is already in the public domain. You can use it all or in part if that helps your FDA approval down the line. I believe your clinical trials on humans are going to be a huge success.”
By Christine W. Shoffner on January 15, 2018
“Hello, I am a veterinarian from Germany and we have good results with lanomax. Is there any possibility to get other prices for lanomax than “normal” customers? We will order in larger numbers and regularly. Thanks for your time and we are looking forward to your answer 🙂 Kind regards, Nina Engelmann DMV, Res.ACVIM-CA”
By Nina Engelmann on January 11, 2018
“Your product is very good I am using for my left eye moderate cataract. I feel the change in after one week of using it. I feel confident while driving or other activity. Thanks very much god bless you.”
By Gaganpal Brar on January 7, 2018
“My current condition is that I continue to walk in the exact same benefits I had when I wrote my review. I have had no side effects; only daily, conscious gratitude for the freedom given me by your product. I tell everyone about it, and ask God to bless your company. Let me know in the unlikely event I ever need to lobby the FDA for approval of your product for human use. I know your human trials will bear out the truth of my review. My cataracts were not yet opaque like more developed ones, and dissolved faster. That is all. Thank you.”
By Christine W. Shoffner on January 6, 2018
“The Order of 15.12.2017 I have not received and cancel them, the tracking Nr. LZ66818898US refers to the order v. 10.11.2017 of 2 x 5ml Lanomax which I also received. Da the gray Star of my retrieverhündin bich reduced to 80% would like to order 1 x 5ml Lanomax. My Veterinarian is enthusiastic about Lanomax and will contact you.”
By Traudlinde Müller on January 5, 2018
“Hi, My dog had 1 incipient cataract in the right eye and 1 almost mature cataract in the left eye. When we started with the treatment of Lanomax drops, the 2 cataracts practically dissolved, but we had only bought a bottle of drops, and when I placed the order to buy more cans, it took so long to arrive that my dog was 1 month without the drops, and the cataract of the left eye became stronger, and after a month putting the drops twice a day, morning and night, 2 drops each time, we do not know what to do or improve so that the cataract of the left eye dissolves completely. In total it was 1 month with drops, 1 month without drops waiting to arrive and 1 month and a half again with Lanomax drops. Are the cataract going to leave once or have we to continue using Lanomax drops for my dog life? Thank u very much.”
By Carmen Garcia on December 19, 2017
“Is ok, Was today at my veterinarian with my Golden Retriever Dog who has one significant improvement after 3 weeks of giving Lanomax will give 9 weeks Liebe Grüße.”
By Traudlinde Müller on December 13, 2017
“Hi Angela, We are committed to improving Teddy Bears eyesight and we feel, with Lanomax, we have already seen some improvement and improved his quality of life. The attached photos taken from an IPhone do not accurately show the obvious cataracts that were very cloudy and dense, the first two taken before we started Lanomax treatment. The last four photos were taken just the other day. You may be able to see the difference in the right eye compared to the left. The left was probably worst to start with and still appears to be a greenish, cloudy color compared to the right. Our plan is to try to clear his right eye more using this current bottle of Lanomax, and then try working on the left again. Hope our information helps any research and other pets and pet owners. Best wishes,”
By Patty and Al Knight on December 10, 2017
“Hi! Thanks so much for giving SKY the extra bottle of Lanomax. After only a couple doses back on it I can see slight improvement in her vision. I’ll gladly write up a detailed description and forward to you for use on your website. Thanks again for getting Lanomax out to her as soon as possible.”
By Marsha Borovich and Therapy Dog SKY on December 8, 2017
“Hi! I hope all is well with you. The second bottle of Lanomax came today. The vet ok’d SKY continuing to use it so I’d like to keep it and pay for it. Can I pay for it with Amazon Pay by ordering it again and you’ll know I already have it? Thanks again for resending it! The Lanomax truly makes a difference in SKY ‘s vision.”
By Marsha Borovich on December 5, 2017
“FYI we started using the new bottle of Lanomax on 10/31/17, 2 drops 5 x day on the right eye. Finished after about 2 weeks. Within about two weeks after week completed the treatment we observed: 1) right eye seems to be different then left pupil. a) left pupil still a little greenish in color and not as clear b) right eye very clear by comparison 2) He seems to be looking around the room more, standing or sitting and looking all around, not seeing specific objects but maybe aware of more light. 3) He also started walking around more and coming up from his bed in the basement on his own more often. We plan on ordering another Lanomax when it becomes available and either trying to clear right eye more or trying to clear left eye to support right eye progress, undecided which at this time. Just keeping you updated in case it helps with research or it helps other customers. Thanks again.”
By Patty and Al Knight on November 29, 2017
“Many thanks to inform us this vital information. We are pleased to say that the product has indeed helped Teddy who is now turning 14 years. Although his vision is still not a 100% he has become a lot more active and we are very grateful for your product. In India there are no other option besides surgery to treat Cataract and being an aged dog we wouldn’t (neither anyone else) opt for this method of treatment. We are very happy with the use of this product and would recommend to several other pet lovers too. We would have been very disappointed if we had bought a fake product with no results. And ideally we would have just ordered from Amazon. Thank you for keeping us informed and now we not only the correct medication but also know where to buy it from. Our best wishes for your ongoing research and keep up the good work. We are always willing to support you guys and will spread the good word of your product to our friends and family! Best wishes,”
By Suja Kannan on November 10, 2017
“I am using an internet translator, and I ask you to forgive me for any errors in the text. I have a ten-year-old, undefined dog, and he had early symptoms of cataract months ago. I researched possibilities for treatment, and in my country, and especially in my region, are rare. A surgery would bring risks, due to the age of the dog, besides logistic factors. I found information about Lanomax on the internet, and made a first purchase through the manufacturer’s website. Later I made two more purchases through Amazon. In short time of use we noticed difference in the brightness of the dog’s eyes. The accompanying veterinarian was amazed at the gradual dissolution of the cataract. Thank you very much for the result, because my dog is like a son to me. Regarding Lanomax, I feel that the site should have documented reports of the effect of eye drops, and that responses to e-mail inquiries should be answered more effectively. With these measures, I believe that the credibility of the product would be emphasized and thus the eye drops would be distinguished from other products that are on the market. Greetings.”
By José dAngelo Rodrigues on November 10, 2017
“Hola….soy de Argentina y quiero comentarles mi experiencia. Tengo visión en un solo ojo porque el otro ojo lo perdí a raíz de un desprendimiento de retina. Siempre fui muy miope pero pude defenderme varios años con un solo ojo hasta que apareció lo temido…cataratas y ya muy avanzada, en mi único ojo, el que tiene la retina muy debilitada y una cirugía puede provocar mi ceguera total. Después de buscar e informarme decidí comprar Lanomax, pero sólo un frasco, mi situación económica por ahora no me permite adquirir otro, me lo coloque durante 3 semanas y note una muy pequeña mejoría, creo que de poder seguir el tratamiento seguiré recuperando mi visión. Estoy feliz porque tengo una esperanza gracias a Lanomax. Estoy lejos pero me ofrezco para experimentar o en caso de poder comprar otro envase, contar mi experiencia que seguramente será positiva. Gracias!!!
[Google Translate: Hello … I’m from Argentina and I want to tell you about my experience. I have vision in only one eye because I lost the other eye due to a retinal detachment. I was always very short-sighted but I was able to defend myself for several years with only one eye until the feared thing appeared … cataracts and already very advanced, in my only eye, the one with very weakened retina and surgery can cause my total blindness. After searching and informing me I decided to buy Lanomax, but only one bottle, my financial situation for now does not allow me to acquire another, I put it for 3 weeks and notice a very small improvement, I think that if I can continue the treatment I will continue to recover my vision. I am happy because I have a hope thanks to Lanomax. I am far away but I offer to experiment or if I can buy another container, tell my experience that will surely be positive. Thank you!!!]”
By Monica Ceballos on November 9, 2017
“My name is Cimen Keskin. i have been using your product on my own eye for more than three months. i am observing a slight improvement. i am giving it time as my cataract was fully ripe with hardened lens. i will continue using the drops untill the cataract clears completely. i cannot go through surgery becouse my other eye was ruined through surgery. your medicine is my only option if i want to have an independent life. Thank you for informing us about the situation with amazon. Yesterday i ordered 4 more vials through your site to my Cyprus address. Can you please not put the exact price on the product? Thank you very much for your support. I wish you good luck with your research. I will let you know about the outcome.”
By Cimen Keskin on November 9, 2017
“We ordered your product from Amazon the first time, felt we were having success. The 2nd order from Amazon was a dif. brand, we did not realize this because the price was the same. It is however a lesser concentration of the impt. component and now I am worried that we have done a huge disservice to our precious animal. Please let us know if we should continue using this lesser prod. We are not rich, and we do our best for our animals, and the amt. for eye drops is a lot of money to us. Thanks for any help.”
By Gerridina Lean on November 8, 2017
“I have been using it with my yorkshire of thre and a half kilos since March, the cataracts has reduced a little, but not as I had expected, ut at least it hasnt increased and this is wonderful news for he can still see well. He is 14 years old.”
By Elisabeth Vinson on November 8, 2017
“Thanks to Lanomax, I used your drops and got results of about 50% with 1 single bottle. But I do not know how much longer I have to continue. Thanks again to you.”
By Maev Marchini on November 8, 2017
“Thank you so much. I was afraid Lanomax was no longer being produced because it was so effective. I had astounding results in both my own eyes 3 months ago with just one bottle, and was concerned about doing another bottle because it seemed that my cataracts were all gone. But I want the option. I believe that Lanomax helped more than my cataracts. My lenses act much younger and better able to focus, and presbyopia reduced from add 2.5 to almost nothing. You must do human trials. People need this so that they don’t have to let their cataracts get too mature just to get Medicare approval. I tell everyone about what your product did for me.”
By Christine W. Shoffner on November 4, 2017
“I found Lanomax to perform to specification. It uncreated Stage 1+ cataracts during 40 days of administration: One drop in each eye about 15 minutes before bedtime. One drop in each eye before retiring. The bottle is kept refrigerated.”
By Al Schwartz on October 28, 2017
“Miraculous result!. I started using this product on my 11 yr old diabetic maltese mix who had such thick cataracs she could no longer see, and after only 1 week can not believe the amazing results. Some vision has returned and cloudiness in eyes seem to be dissipating. It may seem pricey but the results are priceless. I will continue to use this product as needed.”
By EmmaBud2 on October 7, 2017
“That would be fabulous!!!! This is the second order I place and so far my dog has experienced great results!!”
By Mirella on September 29, 2017
“It is definitely helping to dissolve the cataracts in my three elderly dogs ages 15 to 17 1/2 yrs old. I am still using the product until they are completely clear of the.cataracts, and their visions are definitely improving.”
By Denise Weber on September 9, 2017
“We cannot thank you enough for your generosity and instructions. Our 18-year-old Teddy Bear is loved beyond words; we so want the best life for him. Thank you again.”
By Patty and Al Knight on September 8, 2017
“We still have confidence in the Lanomax product. We feel that there was less cloudiness after several vials of treatment over a couple of months starting with minimal doses and eventually increasing to the recommended doses. We are also seeing the pupil contract when in light and our cat turn his head and close his eyes when a flashlight is shined into his eyes. He even started to interact more with us.”
By Patty and Al Knight on September 7, 2017
“What a wonderful product. We have a 13 year old “Tibby” that has been deft since she was 8 years which is about the same time she started to developed cataracts. At age 13 she was basically blind. She would walk off curbs, fall down steps get into corners and just cry mercilessly, not a good quality of life for the dog or our nerves. We tried the Lanomax and what a change! One drop, each eye, three times a day and a bottle lasts approx. 3-4 weeks depending upon if you actually get the drop in the eye and do not need to do it twice. Large amount of discharge from the eyes for the first two weeks, then it settles out. We could tell by the 5’th week the dog could see better as it did not want the drops in its eyes. We stopped after 2 bottles and are very happy with the results. The dog is not completely cured of the cataracts but can see much, much, much better. Its running around doing all the dog stuff it could not do before, no more excessive crying, even barks at the mail man when he walks across the street. Cannot be happier with the product, very thankful, we tell everyone with an older dog about it.”
By Bub on September 6, 2017
“We have been using lanomax for awhile with the recommended amounts and believe the eyes are much clearer and he responds to light with the pupils getting smaller and if shined directly in the eyes he immediately closes his eyes. However, he still bumps into things and can’t seem to detect movement. This may be some age related loss of vision over and above the cataracts, we just want to be sure we have given every effort to completely remove and dissolve the cataracts. Thanks.”
By Patty and Al Knight on September 4, 2017
“It’s taken a few bottles, but it has definitely thinned my dogs cataracts. I stopped using these for awhile, because I wasn’t able to order them on Amazon, and her cataracts continued to develop. Once I started using them again, they thinned again. They definitely do work, but not quickly for my dog.”
By Tate Jennings on August 28, 2017
“Há uns meses, um amigo trouxe um vidro de colírio lanomax lanosterol. Usei por 22 dias em meu cão, um poodle de tamanho médio, já com 16 anos. Considero que houve melhora. Em suas vistas. Gostaria de adquirir um outro vidro, mas estou com dificuldade de proceder a compra pela internet. Voces poderiam me ajudar?
[Google Translate: A few months ago, a friend brought a glass of lanomax lanosterol eye drops. I used it for 22 days on my dog, a medium-sized poodle, already 16 years old. I think there has been improvement. In your sights. I would like to buy another glass, but I’m having a hard time buying it online. Could you help me?]”
By Kleber Pereira Dos Santos on August 25, 2017
“Using this as an alternative to cataract surgery for one of my pups!”
By Cynthia Harkness on August 24, 2017
“It will clear the cataracts but must continue to use it to maintain the gain. Not a cure but a good option for per that is too old to go thru surgery..”
By carol fox on August 22, 2017
“We are using Lanomax for 3 weeks in my dog and we could not see a big progress. I believe that Lanomax is good, however it is working slowly in both eyes. We have a lot of hope that Lanomax will be usefully in 4 weeks more. We are buying another one. I will give more detais as soon as possible. Thanks Ricardo Calil”
By Ricardo on August 21, 2017
“I purposely delayed my review until I had been finished with my bottle for about a week, just to see if my life changing and spectacular results seemed to diminish after I finished the first bottle. They have not. I am 65 years old, quite nearsighted, with moderate astigmatism in one eye and presbyopia. My Progressive lenses needed an add of 2.5 in each eye. My left eye had an approximately 5 year old cataract that was first seen as a tiny seed. 2 years later my right eye also developed a cataract. They were not cloudy and I never could see the cataracts, but I was starting to have significant glare issues if the sun hit my eyes just right, or in a heavy afternoon thunderstorm that would cause increased glare from the water on my windshield. I had already been avoiding the interstate at night since I was first diagnosed. I was also trying to avoid rainstorms and definitely avoiding dark nights. Even with all these issues I am sure my cataracts would have been considered very mild. I would no doubt have had years of progressive loss of vision before Medicare would have considered my cataracts to be “ripened;” bad enough for them to pay for the surgery. Right before I started this product I had become aware of depth perception problems and was also having more challenges seeing normal household things in low light such as from a cloudy day.. The day before I started the product I was having a little trouble reading Firefox at 110% font size. The print seemed a bit pale, so even my internet was threatened. I found this product by googling “eye drops that dissolve cataracts.” I was hoping there was research going on about this as one of my eyes had had an event that would increase the possibility of retinal detachment. I didn’t even want cataract surgery. These are my results 5-6 days after finishing my first bottle. I woke up on day 8 with an awareness that, despite my prescription, I could really see. Colors were incredibly vibrant like they used to get when I would eat my mother’s Zinnias for their antioxidants. My visual acuity was so improved that I could leave off my glasses if I was just walking around outside. My depth perception seemed perfectly normal. Going up and down stairs was no longer feeling a bit weird and unsteady. I used my drops and went to my notebook. On day 8 reduced the font size to 67% and could see everything crystal clear. In fact, I could read most things at 50%. This was impossible. I put on my old, scratched glasses I use for some outdoor work, and could still see the computer fine. After day 8 I just continued to improve. I have felt like the lenses of my eyes were young and flexible again. My ability to focus quickly at all distances feels youthful. I even put on a pair of old glasses that did not have Progressive lenses. I could still read fine, and estimate that I now need an add of about .25% instead of 2.50. I am very thankful for thrilled with this product. I tell everybody about it. No doubt I got results so fast because my cataracts were not that far progresses. So I hope those reviewers who felt like this did not help their pet will invest in 3 bottles or so before they decide it is hopeless. I had planned on doing 2 bottles. I won’t know if I have any cataract left until I see an eye doctor. I do know glare is gone. Yesterday I drove in a rainstorm and noticed that headlights just looked like headlights-no glare. My low light vision is so improved I can see to mow the grass much later in the day than before. Right now I am just trying to decide whether to do a 2nd bottle to make sure all cataract is gone, or wait for an eye appointment. I do know this is a revolutionary product that could change outcomes for man and beast. Years ago, my mother had a terrible accident just 4 miles from home on a near empty country road. She was greatly restricting her driving because of cataracts. But they were not yet bad enough that she felt unsafe to drive. Apparently the late afternoon sun caught her just right, and she just could not see. She totaled wonderful car and had to have surgery for a compound fracture of her femur. It took her six months to heal. Mom was having to wait until Medicare thought she was blind enough that they would pay for her cataract operation. If she had had the option of buying a couple of bottles of these drops and NOT waiting for the cataract to get severe she would have jumped at the chance. Great product!!!”
By Christine W. Shoffner on August 14, 2017
“Instructions say 6 weeks, 2-3 drops per day per eye for results. After 4 weeks, I can see improvement in my dog’s eyes. You can barely see the cataracts now. Even the vet noticed.”
By Rowdy Boyon August 8, 2017
“Treatment ongoing for a few months now on 18 year old male cat with cataracts. Started with less than recommend dose for awhile to insure no infection, etc. Gradually worked up to full recommendation. Had obvious cataracts and vet concurred. Started spending all his time in bed in the basement, would only get up to go to the bathroom and for food and water. After several weeks he started coming up on his own and wandering around the house, but he is still bumping into things. His eyes appear to be much less cloudy than when he was first diagnosed . We believe he is possibly seeing some light and he has an immediate reaction to a bright flashlight shined directly into his eyes, blinking his eyes shut and pupils constrict. We are continuing treatment. He is too old for cataract surgery, so we are hopeful that there is a steady progression to vision. Time will tell.”
By pattie on August 8, 2017
“First: Make sure your product is legit. Call the manufacturer – Read the labels.
One problem with the product – Availability – It seems that they have issues coping with demand.
Another problem: inconsistent reviews made by people that are just too quick to comment or didn’t do things properly.
Our personal experience: Our beloved Samoyed developed congenital cataracts on both eyes at 1 year and 3 months old. They came very suddenly. In about 1 week he had his left eye almost 100% covered and 25% on the right eye as was later confirmed by a local eye Dr. specialist.
They wanted to operate immediately. We said we will think about it and we started him on Ocuglo right away. Two weeks later we also began giving him the Lanosterol drops. 45 days went by and he showed no improvement but we kept giving him the Ocuglo and the drops.
After almost 3 lanosterol bottles we stop BOTH because his labs came out with abnormal hepatic function. Then something amazing happened after 2 weeks with no meds, the cataract on the left eye started to fade away rapidly.
We didn’t know if it was the Ocuglo or the Lanomax the one that was working or may be the combination of both. At the same time, we couldn’t give him any meds waiting for the follow-up labs. Follow up labs came out CLEAR, so we continue the Lanomax and stopped the Ocugllo since It was very unlikely that the drops would cause any hepatic anomaly.
Today our Samoyed is almost free of Cataracs as has been confirmed by another eye specialist that couldn’t believe the results.
Bottom line: IT WORKS! But the product needs time to do its job and it may not work for serious cases where the lens has hardened beyond a certain level. Also, many other factors may also play a negative role.
FOR ALL OF YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT THE PRICE: This is an experimental drug. The more people buy it the faster the price is going to go down. We have invested more than $500 on this product and we will keep investing on it because putting our baby through a dangerous operation with no guarantees and lengthy recuperation it is not an option for us.
We can send anyone the initial report and the last check up results. Our dog is real life proof that the product works at least for some cataracts. Don’t give up too soon, your dog is worth it.”
By A Customer on August 7, 2017
“This product has improved my dog’s eyesight by helping to dissolve her cataracts. I’ve bought two bottles.”
By mar-mar on July 31, 2017
“Product arrived soon enough. I have been knocking on doors to tell my neighbors about this game changing product that I have used now for less than two weeks. And I do thank the seller for providing this product. I had to fight back tears of joy starting the morning of about day 8. Highly recommend.”
By Christine W. Shoffner on July 21, 2017
“I have a 13 year old 5lb poodle Charlie. He kept running into furniture, etc. that was to his left. He has (had) a very cloudy left eye and right eye starting to become more cloudy Cataracts. So bought April 21, 2017. Received on time. Started right away and kept in Fridge. the bottle is tiny and there were many review on other products about $$ being lost because drops come out too fast. Not this one, easy to control drop release. So we used 1 time a day (product instructions say 3, but budget said WHOA!). Results are amazing, Charlie is not running into anything, his Right eye is almost clear and left eye the Cataract has become much smaller. Ok so almost out then could not get product so I tried another that had an olive oil base, this seems to work, but can not keep in fridge because the oil gets cold not liquid, so then have to “warm it” in-between hands. Any way very glad this product is finally back it is worth its weight in “Lanosterol” the active ingredient. This product does not irritate, the eyes I tried it on my self to test irritability and it is gentle.”
By A Customer on July 21, 2017
“I have a Boston Terrier that was almost blinded by cataracts that are causing his glaucoma issues. I have ordered 2 bottles from amazon, but now it says currently unavailable. He is getting good results with this product and I’m eager to get a third bottle to further improve his site. Please let me know how to obtain a 3rd and maybe 4th bottle to ensure the best results possible for my beloved dog. Thank you.”
By Lisa M. Homan on July 9, 2017
“Research on the Internet says the FDA recommends this for only Dogs. Don’t believe everything the FDA says. I have been using this for the past 2 weeks and I have noticed a slight difference. Research says effects are known after 6 weeks. I love this compared to being faced with cataract surgery. It’s expensive. I purchased 2 eye drop applicators and found out that that Amazon Eye Drop Applicator by Magic Touch is much better to apply the eye drops without having the expensive eye drops fall down on your cheek. Getting ready to purchase my second bottle of Lanomax!”
By Macy Maris on June 24, 2017
“It is pleasure to meet your eye drope. We tried it, and it was working excelent. Our vet checked my dog eye’s and his eyes got better more than 20%. (He is diabetic) So I’d like to buy more but I can’t order it for two weeks. Yesterday I see a new formula, is it better?”
By Krisztina on June 14, 2017
“OK so my dog has severe cataracts and was basically blind. I bought the Lanomax about 2 weeks ago and it arrived in about 5 days. So after a full week of 2 drops/3x daily I do see some marginal improvement in the eye. My hope is to see continued improvement over the next week then it will be time for another bottle of Lanomax.”
By phxs585 on June 10, 2017
“She has diabetics desease eyes problem began when it was 1 year passed diabetic diagnosis. I’m glad I have hope in your eyes drops lanomax, due her vet don’t recommend cirurgy in her case because her diabetic? it’s more dangerous about have any complications before the cirurgy. I noticed that sometimes my dog is better about her cataract desease, she can walk without hit on the furniture or walls. I’m applying in one eye due the cost of the medicine, but as soon it get well I will start in the other. Success for you all.”
By Luciana Carneiro on May 23, 2017
“Must be a good product but one bottle is not enough to resolve the problem.”
By Foca Monaca on May 23, 2017
“My 13 year old poodle eyes are clearer and clearer.”
By Page A. Leindecker on May 22, 2017
“I think that Lanomax helps with cataracts but not significantly or very rapidly.”
By Robert Friedberg on May 20, 2017
“Your product is great! I bought the first bottle from Amazon. Now, Amazon does not have it. May I buy it from you? Thanks.”
By Grazia Walker on May 18, 2017
“We have used about 80% of our first purchase of Lanomax, and the jury is still out. However, we think that there has been a slight improvement… so we are encouraged enough to order a second bottle and continue the regimen. News at eleven.”
By Ross A Swanson on May 15, 2017
“My dog is 9 years old. He has had cataracts in both eyes since January this year. I started the Lanomax treatment 4 weeks ago and he’s starting to see something. I am very optimistic about using Lanomax. My dog had no bad reaction with the use of eye drops. This week I’ll start the second glass. Lanomax is really very good! Sorry for my mistakes because I’m using the translator. thanks.”
By A Customer on May 15, 2017
“My mini poodle is 16 yrs old. He was walking into walls. Now on the second bottle of Lanomax, some improvements in the left eye. Know he is now seeing movement, not sure how much and is no longer walking into walls. Will do one more bottle. One bottle last about 3 weeks.”
By A Customer on April 29, 2017
“I used your products in my little old dog and we are having very goods results! But I am trying to buy again in order to continue the treatment but there is no more your product to sell at Amazon! Where can i continue to buy this product? Our dog is a part of our family! Thanks in advanced!”
By Carlos Novaes on April 26, 2017
“Post the package insert photo with the product picture: all excipients including pH buffer if any, how many milliosmols/kg. One might do one eye to clearance, then the other eye. Claimed hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextran is excreted through the kidneys after it drains from the eye. One might be patient and go easy on kidney loading. That lanosterol is extremely insoluble in water argues against loading it past the cornea into the aqueous faster than it can diffuse into the bag holding the lens behind the pupil. One might apply it just before retiring because aqueous drainage decreases during sleep. That said, Lanomax clears common cataracts. Diabetic cataracts may be less successful. Lanomax is designated for veterinary use only.”
By Uncle Al on April 15, 2017
“I bought two bottles of lanomax eye drops to my old, I’d like to tell that it works a lot in her case, but sad that i need to buy other bottle fast and no stock at moment in Amazon. Please can u tell me where i can buy it? I’m from Brazil Rio de janeiro. Hope hear u soon. Thanks a lot for lanomax eye drops, my dog is much better now.”
By Luciana on April 11, 2017
“So far so good. My dog can now see shadows and her eyes are clearing a bit. It’s too early to tell if it will completely clear the cataracts, but anything is better than what it was. It should be noted that this is not for dogs with eye problems related to diabetes or injury… this is simply for normal age related cataracts.”
By JP on April 9, 2017
“Fabulous effect !!!”
By Anne-Catherine Donie on April 6, 2017
“At first I was a bit skeptical however after making it through the first bottle I noticed substantial decrease in the cloudiness of my dogs eyes. He is not running into things like he has before. My dog has diabetes and the cataracts came on quickly after a bout with high sugar. I have ordered another bottle hoping to clear up the rest of the cloudiness.”
By sprenger on March 31, 2017
“Very good.”
By Calin Poraicu on March 25, 2017
“My beloved labrador is loosing his eyes and his doctor said that this product, work wonders !!!!! I thank you, with all my heart”
By Bernadete Borges on March 24, 2017
“My dog has 1 eye, and the cataract was so bad that she could not see me until I had my hands in her face. I treated with 1 drop 3x day for 6+ weeks. This is 2 bottles of drops. Now she can see me 3 to 5 feet away, and she is NOT running into things as much. If I could afford more drops, I would try another bottle to see if her vision improves more. Do not expect results in the first week or two. The changes are gradual and subtle. As the manufacturer states, the drops do not necessarily work for all cataracts, that the results achieved are not perfect but better, and that more research needs to be had. Tip – eyedrops drain into the tear duct, so gently put a finger over the tear duct for a minute to let the medicine stay in place.”
By 172 on March 6, 2017
“My 13 year old dog was blind from cataracts. After 1 week I could see a slight improvement. Three weeks in there was a definite reduction in opacity.. We are at 6 weeks and she is able to see enough to get around on her own.”
By Carol Fox on February 23, 2017
“I bought a bottle about 3 weeks ago. After using them only a few days I am positive my dog can see better !!!!!!!!!”
By Marsha Borovich on February 20, 2017
“My 11 yr. old Lab developed cloudiness and early cataract due to diabetes. Surgery is not always the best option for older dogs but wanted to help improve his vision. He has been on the drops for 3 weeks and his eyes appear clearer. The drops are very moisturizing which help decrease the itchy feeling usually associated with cataracts. He is happy, more active and appears to be reacting well to the drops. We will keep using for the full 6 weeks in hopes that his vision is restored! So glad this could be an option and safe for a diabetic dog.”
By Deborah Martin on February 14, 2017
“He is 15 years old. One of his eyes got acute glaucoma now so he can’t see anything but after i’ve used the other one for 2 weeks, i feel it’s better and better. Not 100% clearly but it seems i can see his pupil. I ordered 2 more with big hope.”
By Namwi Ko on February 13, 2017
“Amazing product. I could see some small difference in the density of the cataract after the first week. We are now in week three and there is a significant improvement. Dog can see some now and is becoming active again exploring the house and yard.”
By Carol Fox on January 18, 2017
“One of my friend’s dogs had cataracts, which have now shrunk to 1/2 after using one drop of Lanomax per day for 3 months. She wants to order some more to clear the cataracts out. It appears Lanomax is no longer available outside the US. Is that correct?”
By Anonymous on January 5, 2017
“I live in Brazil, my mixed breed dog is nine years old. In May 2016, he had his opaque eyes, and was diagnosed with cataracts. In September 2016 I started to apply lanomax, and in eight weeks one of his eyes was clean, and the other had only a few fragments of the cataract, as if it were gradually dissolving. My dog had no adverse reaction when using the product. And we noticed that after a few weeks of using lanomax, He started to hunt small flying insects. The veterinarian attending my dog was surprised to examine him after using lanomax, since he had been foreseen two paths for him: surgery, with risks due to age, or future blindness. I’m using a translator, please excuse me for any errors in writing.”
By d’Angelo on December 11, 2016
“Still in the process of administering the drops on my second bottle PJ seems to be a little better sight wise but not really sure will finish the 3rd bottle then give a result. Giving the drops at least 3 times per day 4 to 6 times on off days of course hoping for the best!!”
By James Christ on November 2, 2016
“After four weeks of curing (3-4 drops per day) we have noticed some visibility improvement. Drops are using on human with very mature cataract on one eye. We have not observer any negative interaction while curing. For sure there are only some small crystallized sediments.”
By rtpxff on October 28, 2016
“I live in Brazil, I am using a translator from the Internet, forgive me for any incorrectness in writing. I have applied Lanomax on my dog for six weeks. Today he was examined by the veterinarian, and was observed improvement in cataract, which was divided into several fragments. My dog did not show any adverse reaction to eye drops.”
By d’Angelo on October 22, 2016
“I am using Lanomax to see if we can dissolve the cataracts in my dogs eyes. I DON’T really see any improvement yet, but will continue using it. It is better than $5000 surgery at this point. Seems to be the only product that is supposed to help. Shipping an everything else was excellent.”
By A Customer on October 10, 2016
“I was so pleased to finally be able to buy eye drops with Lanosterol for our dog having read all about the successful trials. Our Border terrier who has had bad Cataracts for a few years has shown dramatic improvement. The course of just one bottle, as that is all we have been able to purchase, has definitely reduced the cataracts and has had no side effects. We have been trying to purchase another bottle to continue the treatment, and are deeply disappointed to find they have been made unavailable. As soon as they are available again we will be purchasing a bottle.”
By A Customer on September 15, 2016